6 种介类中药对大鼠甲状腺肿大模型影响的实验研究
彭倩倩 洪寅 廖广辉
浙江中医药大学药学院 杭州 310053
摘要:[目的]观察牡蛎、石决明、瓦楞子、珍珠母、紫贝齿、蛤壳 6 种介类中药对大鼠甲状腺肿大的影响。[方法]72 只健康 SD 大鼠随机分为 9 组:正常组、模型组、阳性组及 6 个介类中药组。每日灌胃丙硫氧嘧啶(0.15g·kg-1),连续造模 10d,称量甲状腺湿重,酶联免疫法测血清 T3、T4、TSH 含量,观察光镜下甲状腺的形态变化。[结果]模型组大鼠较正常组甲状腺相对重量增加,T3、T4 含量降低,且均有显著性差异(P<0.01),甲状腺滤泡上皮细胞增生明显;与模型组比较,牡蛎、蛤壳组使大鼠 T3、T4 含量均回升,且均有显著性差异(P<0.05);牡蛎、蛤壳组甲状腺滤泡上皮细胞增生不明显,其他 4 种介类中药组均有不同程度的增生。[结论]牡蛎、蛤壳对甲状腺肿模型大鼠甲状腺功能均有较好的改善作用。
中图分类号:R331 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5509(2013)12-1429-04
Experimental Study of Six Testacean TCM "Endometriosis" Role on Goiter Model Rats Peng Qianqian, Hong Yin, Liao Guanghui Pharmacological College of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou(310053)
Abstract:[Objective] To observe the effects of Oysters, Abalone shell, Concha arcae, Mother-of-pearl, Concha cypraeae, Clamshell, these six testacean TCM on the goiter rats. [Method] 72 healthy SD rats were randomly divided into nine groups: normal group, model group, positive group and six testacean TCM groups. Rats were given daily propylthiouracil (0.15 g·kg-1), continuous modeling for 10d, weighing thyroid wet weight,assaying T3, T4 and TSH contents in serum by ELISA, observing the morphological changes of thyroid under light microscope. [Result] Rats in the model group compared with normal group in - creased the relative weight of thyroid, reduced the content of T3,T4, and there was a significant difference( P<0.01), thyroid follicular epithelial cell hyperplasia
was obvious; compared with the model group, Oysters and Clamshell group made the content of T3,T4 in rat rebound, and there was a significant difference (P<0.05);Oyster and Clamshell group’s thyroid follicular cell hyperplasia were not obvious, while the hyperplasia had different levels for the other 4 kinds of testacean TCM. [Conclusion] Oysters and Clamshell were better to improve the thyroid function of the goiter model rats.
Key words: testacean TCM;goiter;rats
介类指有甲壳的虫类或水族,介类中药是指将介类之壳、甲作为药用部分,在中医药理论体系指导下运用的药物。药性多偏寒凉,大多味咸,主入肝经, 性均沉降。其使用主要受“介类潜阳”“咸能软坚”等药性理论指导,功效表达主要为平肝潜阳、软坚散结、滋阴安神、煅用内服“制酸止痛”、外用“敛疮生肌”等。本文基于介类中药多味咸而具软坚散结作用,选定临床常用的 6 种介类中药,通过甲状腺肿模型大鼠,来探讨介类中药对大鼠甲状腺肿大的疗效影响,以期能为临床准确的运用介类中药及“咸能软坚”理论提供实验依据。
1.1动物与药材 雄性 SD 大鼠 72 只,体重 200-
250g,由浙江中医药大学动物实验中心提供。珍珠母:杭州华东中药饮片有限公司, 产地浙江, 批号121105。其他 5 种介类中药均购于浙江中医药大学中药饮片厂,产地、批号依次为:牡蛎(浙江,121001)、石决明(广东,121101)、瓦楞子(浙江,100811)、紫贝齿
1.2药品与试剂 丙硫氧嘧啶片(上海朝晖药业有限公司生产,国药准字:H31021082);左甲状腺素钠片
(进口药品注册证号:H20100523);血清 T3、T4、TSH酶联免疫分析 Elisa 试剂盒(上海恒远生物科技有限公司);水合氯醛(天津市科密欧化学试剂有限公司, 分析纯,批号 20101218)。
1.3仪器 SL 型电子称(上海民桥精密科学仪器有
Fund project: Programme of Zhejiang Provincial Education Departmen(t Y201223921)